BLEZ Traditional Pharmacy. We offer Sugar Free Herbal Drinks to help with your health.There are some types of drinks that taste sweet, but that is due to the herbal medicine.
The herbal drink is easy to drink, because it is not as concentrated as other medicines. you can drink it every day to help maintain good health.
Currently, there are 9 types of herbal drinks on sale, at 40-50 baht per bottle (250cc).
* This herbal drink is adjusted by a Thai Traditional Medicine Specialist with safety in mind. But, if you take the wrong amount of herbal medicine, it will negatively affect your health. Therefore, it should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. If you have a medical condition or are taking certain medications, please inform our staff.
Chamomile is a herbal medicine that has been used for more than 1,000 years.
the active ingredient is Apigenin, in addition to helping to sleep better it also help anti-aging, reducing premature aging. and absorbs carcinogens well, especially breast cancer cells digestive system, skin, prostate, and uterus.
You can drink instead of water or tea when you want.
主原材料:カモミール [Chamomile]
The Thai herbs that make you feel refreshed and help you relax. "Hasu no Oshibe" is said to help prevent Alzheimer's disease. For drinking when feeling stressed!
You can drink instead of water or tea when you want.
主原材料:クリサンセマム、ハスのオシベ、ジャスミン [Chrysanthemum, Lotus stamen, Jasmine]
Blaze Herbal Medicine, that combines more than 10 types of herbs!
The taste will be spicy, slightly sour, and sweet respectively.
Help about cleaning the intestines. Better digestion and absorption of nutrient.
1 time per day, amount 125 CC. Please warm before drinking.
Caution for use: It is not recommended for use in combination with diabetes medications and high blood pressure medications.
主原材料:黒胡椒、タマリンドの葉、ソムスィアオの葉、トゥリーパラー [pepper, long pepper, chebulic myrobalan, belleric myrobalan, emblic Myrobalan, tamarin leaves]
For beautiful skin in Thai style use Thai herbs! a beauty drink that combines lemongrass with Chrysanthemum and herbs that are effective for the skin, from kaffir lime peel. You can drink instead of water or tea when you want.
主原材料:レモングラス、ベルガモット、クリサンセマム [ lemongrass, kaffir lime peel, chrysanthemum flower]
Roselle is a Thai herb that Thai people like to use. which has a beautiful tea color. Help prevent high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia. The tea has a sweet and sour taste that makes it easy to drink and delicious.
You can drink instead of water or tea when you want.
主原材料:ローゼル(ハイビスカス🌺) [Roselle]
"Safflower" has been regarded as one of the three important medicinal herbs since the Edo period in Japan. It is the main herbal drink, maintain the quality of blood, maintain blood flow. It also warms the body and treats the "cold" symptoms, that women often have affect various symptoms of women caused by hormonal imbalances such as menstrual cramps menopause, acne, or irritability.
Caution for use, pregnant women or women suspected of being pregnant.
2 time per day, amount 60 CC. In the morning and evening. Please warm before drinking.
主原材料:紅花 [Safflower]
Herbal drink with a mixture of bael fruit and jujube, sweet, fragrant, delicious, which suppresses appetite. The drinker will feel relaxed. It also heals the kidneys, reducing swelling. You can drink instead of water or tea when you want.
主原材料:棗、ベールフルーツ [Bael fruit, Jujube]
A blend of three herbs that are rich in vitamin C and have powerful anti-aging and detoxifying effects. strengthen the body's immune system.
It also improves blood circulation. Lowers cholesterol levels and has a mild laxative effect. Helps the body to drive waste out better.
Caution for use, do not drink with C03 Super slim.
1 time per day, amount 125-250 CC. before bedtime. Please warm before drinking.
主原材料:トゥリーパラー、ステビア [Treepara, Stevia]
Blez Herbal Medicine, that combines more than 10 types of herbs!
The taste is sweet, slightly spicy, has a unique aroma. Help reduce blood sugar and hyperlipidemia. It is a good option for people who want to lose weight.
Caution for use: It is not recommended for use in combination with diabetes medications and high blood pressure medications.
2 time per day, amount 125-250 CC. in the morning and evening.
主原材料:コショウ、シナモン、ニンニク、生姜、カルダモン [pepper, Cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cardamom]